How much can I save by using LED lighting?

Traditionally, lighting has not been taken into account when calculating domestic electricity savings: we have always considered that, in any house, there are appliances with considerably more consumption than a light bulb. However, we should think that lighting is a necessity for daily use; In addition, in some cases, we have the lights on for many hours, while other consumption –such as the oven, the washing machine, etc.– are neither daily nor for a very long period of time. LED lighting savings vary depending on the conditions of use and the type of technology used. This is an area that is advancing so fast that to achieve maximum savings with LED bulbs, it is important to know which ones we choose.

In the market, we can already find luminaires –lamps– with LED technology that exceed 100 lumens –a measure of luminosity– for each watt of power. But even those that do not reach this high figure – somewhat older – are more efficient than the usual low-energy lamps and, of course, than the old incandescent bulbs. Although these are cheaper, modern LEDs are usually more efficient and provide more light with the same power. This factor is decisive when calculating the profitability of each option.

The savings –depending on whether we choose the latest generation LED or other previous models– can range between 50% and 70%, if we compare them with Compact CFL bulbs (conventional low consumption), and between 85% and 95% if we compare them with incandescent bulbs. One more note: LED lamps are already manufactured in all models with traditional sockets, so it is very easy to replace old bulbs.