The railway is the means of transport of the future

Despite being a means of transport with a long history, the railway still has a very important role in the future of modern society. It is not something that we say subjectively because we are passionate about trains; there are compelling reasons that justify that they should recover the prominence that cars, trucks and planes took away.

Economic benefits

It must be recognized that anything that is said in favor of the railway will be of no use if it is not accompanied by economic benefits. And it is that, no matter how green both companies and public administrations want to appear, the economic aspect always prevails over everything else. Well, here we have some of the reasons that should convince us all that the railway is, without the slightest doubt, the means of transport of the future:

  • Infrastructures have a longer useful life with proper maintenance. And even without it!
  • The operating costs, especially in the case of freight transport, are lower than in other means.
  • It is a great tool to promote multimodal transport. Well managed, it facilitates interconnections between other means of transport, lowering costs.
  • The number of passengers or goods that a train can transport is much greater than other means, making it more economically efficient. In addition, in case of return of the vehicle without occupation, the costs are lower.
  • It favors the generation of industry and urban growth in its surroundings thanks to the greater mobility offer.
  • It promotes tourism thanks to the connections that are created and an offer that can include the train itself as a tourist product.

Social benefits of railway use

There are also direct benefits for society, apart from the indirect benefits that derive from economic and environmental ones.

  • Less accident rate. The number of rail accidents that occur is nothing compared to road transport accidents.
  • It is a means, generally, not exclusive that favors equality between users.
  • It favors the decongestion generated by road transport, especially in urban areas.
  • It is an outstanding means of transport and generally preferred for its great comfort, as long as the offer is adequate.
  • With the proliferation of high speed, it is the fastest means of transport for relatively long journeys.

Employment generation

Trains are a great engine of both direct and indirect employment.

The generation of employment is another of the reasons that support the necessary strengthening of the railway, resulting in economic and social well-being.

  • The construction, maintenance and operation of infrastructures requires a large team of professionals.
  • The very operation of the railway system, including the construction of the trains, requires specialized personnel and specific industries.
  • The interconnections favor industrial and tourist development, which entails the generation of jobs.
  • The movement of workers to their workplaces is encouraged.

environmental benefits

It has already been mentioned that trains are more environmentally friendly. This article cannot end without explaining, very briefly, why:

  • They generate lower greenhouse gas emissions, favoring the fight against climate change.
  • They encourage the impulse in the use of green energies if investment in R+D+I in this field is favored.
  • Noise pollution is less than in other means of transport.
  • As has been mentioned before, the use of space is greater since the railway infrastructure occupies less than the roads. In this way, the conservation of such an important resource, and sometimes ignored, such as the soil, is favored.